Here's how this works...

A blog is a site where views and information can collide.
This is a forum for sharing information with the dance department community.  You can discuss concerts, post aesthetic questions, choreographic ideas and video, a call for dancers, or even a room for rent.  All posts will be reviewed by the blog-masters before they will appear.  No anonymous postings are allowed: In order to comment you will need to sign up for a Google account.  (Get one Here)  To post in the A/V room, Bulletin Board, Alumni Forum or Research Forum you will need to register as an author by emailing your google account name to  Address any questions to
Announcements from the department:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Graduate Concert

Come Join The Fun...

Join us this weekend the 20,21, and 22nd of November for Identities In Transition. This concert will be the culmination of choreography by graduate students at the University of Utah. The program will consist of works by Ms. Monica Campbell, Mr. Juan Carlos Claudio, Ms. Corinne Cappelletti, and Ms. Emily Fifer. In this exciting evening of dance the choreographers explore themes of cultural and personal identity and mythology, the subject matter and movement contained within are as diverse and thought provoking as the choreographers themselves. Come with us and experience the work of four professional dance artists as they return to academia to explore, question and challenge topics ranging from: Notions of home and place, ideas of collapse in a post 9/11 society, and the role that relationships play in the creation of identity.

The University of Utah Department of Modern Dance
November 20,21, and 22nd
7:30 pm Marriot Center for Dance
Hayes Christensen Theater

**Warning: This concert contains more than 5 pounds of saw dust.**

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall PDC is upon us...

The Fall PDC concert dives into the complexities of being human, both in solitude and within our desire to connect to others. The evening is filled with complex and visceral works created by faculty members Abby Fiat and Eric Handman as well as works by guest artists Gabri Christa and Charlotee Boye-Christensen. The Fall Concert demonstrates a range of human emotion and experience.  Each work presented is unique and dynamic, but they all share themes of humans trying to relate to one another and themselves.

Monday, March 17, 2008


The University of Utah Department of Modern Dance is honored to host ACDFA from March 17th to March 21st.  Please comment on ACDFA classes and performances on the talkback page.  We invite comments from all participants and observers.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Announcements 1/23/08

A few Things...

Audition Dates for the coming Semester:

Saturday, January 19th, 2008 (8:30 am - 1:00 pm)

Friday, March 28th, 2008 (11:00 am- 3:00 pm)

Friday, August 22nd, 2008 (8:30 am - 12:00 pm)

 PDC Approaches...

Performing Dance Company's Spring Concert slips into the surreal as choreographer Carly Allred examines devolution as the dancers revert to a primal state.  Pamela Geber transports five women into a sexy, akward and slightly askew reality.  Animation, movement and images uncover vulnerability and connection in a collaborative work by Satu Hummasti and Lien Fan Shen. Stephen Koester explores the subtle shades of language, emotion and the human connection.  The reconstruction of Schubert* highlights Murray Louis's influenctial and stylized technique accompanied by alumni from the School of Musics. 

*The reconstruction of Schubert is made possible by the Marriner S. Eccles Foundation.


February 7,8,9 and 14, 15, 16, 2008
7:30pm Marriot Center of Dance
University of Utah Campus (330 south 1500 east)
7$ for Students, Faculty, staff and Seniors
10$ General  

As always feel free to post any questions, comments, concerns.