Here's how this works...

A blog is a site where views and information can collide.
This is a forum for sharing information with the dance department community.  You can discuss concerts, post aesthetic questions, choreographic ideas and video, a call for dancers, or even a room for rent.  All posts will be reviewed by the blog-masters before they will appear.  No anonymous postings are allowed: In order to comment you will need to sign up for a Google account.  (Get one Here)  To post in the A/V room, Bulletin Board, Alumni Forum or Research Forum you will need to register as an author by emailing your google account name to  Address any questions to
Announcements from the department:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring PDC

Join us at the Modern Dance Department for this semesters Performing Dance Company concert.
The program will feature works by faculty members Ellen Bromberg, Satu Hummasti, Tandy Beal, and Stephen Koester.  This concert will also showcase a work by New York City dance artist Nicholas Leichter as well as Martha Graham's seminal work, Panorama, reconstructed by Kaye Richards.  This eclectic concert promises to be both thought provoking and compelling. 

February 19,20,21 and 26,27,28
Marriott Center for Dance

Join us after the show on Feb. 20th and 27th for a post performance discussion with the artists.